
How to Decrypt Files Dncrypted by Ransomware

The ransomware is a type of malware that can attack you computer and can limit the access. It can ask you ransom. The cybercriminals want to make money by this malware. The main target of ransomware is to take money from the victims by encrypting files of the computer. It can attack computers, laptops, smart phone, etc. So, you need the prevention and need to know How to Decrypt Files Dncrypted by Ransomware. At first let us know more some important points about Ransomware.

Types of ransomware:

We can find two types of ransomware based on their restrictions. Now it is time to discuss them.

Computer locker ransomware:

This ransomware show you a block system when you open your computer. It will ask you to pay a ransom to remove this restriction.

File locker ransomware:

This type of ransomware locks your files and data. And then ask you ransom to open the file. CryptoLocker, Locky and CryptoWall are some example of this type of ransomware. You will face the worth condition if file locker ransomware attacks.

How can your system get attacked by a ransomware?

Your system asks you to pay when your system infected by a ransomware. It is a serious problem. Your computer gets affected by ransomware through some websites through exploit kits. Your files can attack by ransomware through the spam mail containing links of malicious websites. If you want to download some free software or update something, your computer can encrypt by malware. For this reason, be aware of it and you need some protections.

How to protect ransomware

To protect this serious problem you need to aware of this problem. Precaution is more effective. Besides, you can install the ransome protection software. If you can somehow able to stop this virus to get in your PC, you can protect your data.

Secure your email and browser

Your PC can affect by spam mail and USB drives.  So, you need to secure your email. You can take a strong email hosting from a trusted provider. This service will protect your email from spam. It is important to protect your browser if you use internet. Try to keep your browser updated. Besides, you need to use an antivirus system. It will protect your PC from all kinds of virus and ransomware.

How to Decrypt Files Dncrypted by Ransomware ?

If your files are encrypted by ransomware, you can decrypt them by following some methods. It is not impossible to recover your files. Encrypted data is only readable for him who has the private key. So, if you lost your private key, your data will be unusable.

Decryption Tool

If your system gets infected by some ransomwares, you can use the decryption tools. The RSA public key can decrypted the encrypted files.  There are many anti-malware tools which can remove malware and ransomware from your computer. Download a trusted ant-ransomeware software and then install it to your pc. Then you can scan the files which are encrypted by ransomeware. After scanning your screen will show that ransomware has been detected. To remove this program, click to “Remove Seletected” button.

Restore your files encrypted ransomware with ShadowExplorer:

Ransomware try to delete the shadow files when your PC gets infected. But you can get the shadow copies by downloading a shadow explorer tool. This tool will explore your files and restore them.

You can also restore your system files from your computer. For this, go to the My Computer option. Then search the folder that you want to restore. Then choose the Restore Previous Version option. Now you need to open the folder and then copy and restore it.

Last words:

Finally, we can say that, ransomware and malware can attack our computer any time. So, we need to make a prevention and precaution. Besides, there are some ways for us to recover our files. We can follow the systems and can use a antimalware software for next protection.